Monday, May 08, 2006

Show #26 - "Clogged"

The Specialist and AKG discuss clogs for men, mobsters on scooters, and Ecko Unlimited, and steroids in baseball. This weeks rant asks why the steroids controversy has focused almost exclusively on their impact on the recordbooks, and not on their influence in the outcomes of games, pennant races, playoff series', and World Series championships. In the close, the debut of the second track from the DspecialJ debut album "Stool Sample", a mashup of Jay-Z's "December 4th" and Death Cab for Cutie's "Soul Meets Body".

Show 26: "Clogged"
recorded: 5/4/2006
length: 48:49
size: 44.8mb
file type: mp3
bit rate: 128 kb/s